/blog Madam Walker: Black History Month 2013 by A'lelia Bundles Please find a blog post by A'Lelia Bundles, the great great granddaughter and biographer of historic figure and our namesake Madam C. J. Walker. I love Black History Month because I learn something new every day! The truth is, I’m immersed in black history every day, week and month of every year, but in February it feels as if I have lots of company. It seems that every where I turn, there are websites, blogs, television networks, radio programs and lectures all celebrating the fascinating people I love to study. /blog/madam-walker-black-history-month-2013Wed, 31 Dec 1969 18:00:00 -0600 Madam’s Advertising Print Blocks and their Union Connections As a student in the IUPUI Museum Studies Program, I had the opportunity to explore the depths of the MWTC basement with two fellow classmates where, in the former “Coffee Pot” restaurant, we re-discovered boxes filled with Madam’s advertisement print blocks. When I saw each one I realized I was looking at Madame’s passion for promotion in one of its rawest forms: copper, zinc, and lead giving life to the company’s promises of great hair and clear skin. Madam was an inspiration to the black community and it was the company’s advertising that brought that inspiration to the masses. /blog/madams-advertising-print-blocks-and-their-union-connectionsWed, 31 Dec 1969 18:00:00 -0600 A Key to the Past: The Original Piano from the Madame Walker Theatre Today’s post is by Stephanie Hebda. The first time I stepped foot inside the Madame Walker Theater Center museum I was immediately drawn to a black piano sitting against the wall in the back room. As a piano player since the age of 5, I have always been fascinated by musical instruments, especially those with some history. /blog/a-key-to-the-past-the-original-piano-from-the-madame-walker-theatreWed, 31 Dec 1969 18:00:00 -0600 Madame Walker Manufacturing Company: Mixing Up the Status Quo Today’s post is by Kate Massman. The story of Madame C.J. Walker and her success can be told through the objects within the Madame C.J. Walker Museum. Objects, unlike text, can offer a physical look into the life a remarkable woman. One can walk through the exhibits and learn about the life and company of a self-made woman, who helped countless women start off on their own. This tale is told through tins of hair product, curling irons, images, and numerous other objects. /blog/madame-walker-manufacturing-company-mixing-up-the-status-quoWed, 31 Dec 1969 18:00:00 -0600 Madam Walker Beauty Culturists Union Convention Ribbon Today’s post is by Jennie Rigsby. Madame Walker revolutionized the way African American did business in the 20th Century. It would only seem fitting that the incredible woman she was, was able to push the boundaries of business further than any African American male or female had ever done before her. When I first began this project at the Madame Walker Theatre I was not familiar with her story. However as this project has progressed throughout the semester I have become more and more inspired by what she was able to accomplish. /blog/madam-walker-beauty-culturists-union-convention-ribbonWed, 31 Dec 1969 18:00:00 -0600 The Story Behind the Stamp by Stephanie Micheals Today’s post is by Stephanie Michaels. When I first began thinking about how I would talk about the Madam C.J. Walker Commemorative stamp I realized that endless questions began to arise. How was Madam Walker chosen? Who decided what picture went on the stamp? What is the history of this well-known photo? Who took it? /blog/the-story-behind-the-stampWed, 31 Dec 1969 18:00:00 -0600 Making up for Lost Time in the Neighborhood This is blog post is part of a series written by graduate students in the IUPUI Museum Studies Program. They have spent this semester surveying, documenting, and researching the collection of artworks and artifacts at the Madame Walker Theatre Center, for more info go here: /blog/mwtc-partners-with-iupui-museum-studies-class. Today’s post is by Jake Sheff /blog/making-up-for-lost-time-in-the-neighborhoodWed, 31 Dec 1969 18:00:00 -0600 Will Watson Mural Forms a Bridge to the Past *Ed. Note: This blog post is part of a series written by graduate students in the IUPUI Museum Studies Program. They have spent this semester surveying, documenting, and researching the collection of artworks and artifacts at the Madame Walker Theatre Center, for more info go here: /blog/mwtc-partners-with-iupui-museum-studies-class. Today’s post is by Megan Geurts During our time at the theater we found an abundance of historic artifacts, such as old advertising print blocks, but one of the most interesting pieces to me was Will Watsons mural. /blog/will-watsons-mural-forms-a-bridge-to-the-pastWed, 31 Dec 1969 18:00:00 -0600 Finding the Importance of Indiana Avenue *Ed. Note: This blog post is part of a series written by graduate students in the IUPUI Museum Studies Program. They have spent this semester surveying, documenting, and researching the collection of artworks and artifacts at the Madame Walker Theatre Center, for more info go here: /blog/mwtc-partners-with-iupui-museum-studies-class. Today’s post is by Mike Barclay In addition to looking at the individual objects at the Walker, we are examining the building’s collection of artifacts and artwork, interior and exterior design, and the surrounding neighborhood’s history and presence in the city of Indianapolis. /blog/finding-the-importance-of-indiana-avenueWed, 31 Dec 1969 18:00:00 -0600 Madame Walker Memorialized on 6 Ft. Column on Georgia Street Madame C. J. Walker was among the inaugural class of ten famous Hoosiers honored with Legacy Awards on Friday, March 2nd at 10 a.m., at the intersection of Capital and Georgia Streets. The staff and Board of Directors at the Madame Walker Theatre Center are thrilled to have their namesake, Madame C. J. Walker included among the initial Legacy Award recipients. “Our family is honored to have Madame Walker standing alongside such an iconic and inspirational group of Hoosiers,” said A’Lelia Bundles, Walker’s great-great-granddaughter and biographer. Ms. Bundles spoke at the unveiling. /blog/madame-c-j-walker-to-be-memorialized-on-6-ft-column-on-georgia-streetWed, 31 Dec 1969 18:00:00 -0600